Extended Learning

Before and After School Programming at Baker
Your child’s well-being depends on so many things – like intellectual stimulation and attention to their emotional and social needs. The goal of our after school programming – Baker After School Enrichment (BASE) is to offer enrichment opportunities that spark joy for Baker students.
Before School Care
Baker’s before school care begins at 7:30 a.m. for students in Preschool – Grade 8 and is included in tuition cost.
After School Programming
Baker After School Enrichment (BASE) is offered Monday – Friday, 3:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Choose Your Plan
Before school care is included in tuition. After school care is available to Baker families at an additional cost. As a family enrolled at Baker, you can choose the package that best fits your needs.
BASE Registration: Consistent Coverage
BASE is offered in three sessions per year (Fall, Winter, Spring). Students may choose an enrichment class offering of interest or when not enrolled in a class, are able to play with peers, read in the library, do homework or play outside. Early Pick Up is at 4:30 pm and Late Pick Up is at 6:00 pm.
Drop-in BASE: Occasional Coverage
Available for all families to either extend care or provide care for your children in the event of an unexpected change in your schedule. Please email me as soon as you are aware of the need, before completing the registration.
Learn More
To get more information about Extended Learning at Baker, contact our After School Enrichment Coordinator, Erin Steiner:
Email: esteiner@bakerdemschool.org